Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

We are an inclusive school.  Every child is different and we celebrate and embrace this at PSP.  We aim to develop an ethos of care,empathy and understanding so that all children are supported to achieve and reach their potential.  We are are committed to each child's personal well-being as well as academic success.  We work closely with parents and carers to ensure that our children, regardless of any additional needs and disability, develop the attitudes, behaviours and skills to enable them to learn. 

We have supported pupils with a variety of needs including, children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, children with Downs Syndrome, visually impaired children and children with a variety of medical needs.  We also support children with speech and language needs.

The drop-down questions below will help to answer any questions you may have or please visit or contact us to find out more.

Please click on the link at the bottom of page to be redirected to Warrington Families Information Service for any further information.  Alternatively, you can contact the SENCO - Mrs Claire Roper - via email: [email protected] or on the school number 01925 726558. 

Early Help and SEND Warrington

With these being such trying times for many families, Early help and SEND services in Warrington have created a webpage to promote access to information and advice, particularly in relation to health and wellbeing, for those who need it.

The link to the Facebook profile is www.facebook.com/EarlyhelpSEND


How do we know if children in our care need extra help and what should you do if you think your child may have special educational needs? 

All staff monitor the progress of children very carefully, using a range of informal and more formal assessments / tests.  Informal assessments may take the form of observations, questioning, evaluating the children’s daily work, etc.  When it appears that a child is not making an expected level of progress or other concerns arise, then discussions will take place with the school Special Needs Coordinator – Mrs Roper.   Parents/carers will also be invited in to discuss concerns and the strategies that will be put into place to help that child, both at home and at school. This will then be reviewed regularly to evaluate whether  the strategies used have helped the child and what will happen next. Where necessary, further discussion will then take place as to whether it would be appropriate to involve external agencies such as Speech and Language, the Educational Psychologist, etc.

We fully value parents as experts in knowing their child. If you have any concerns, we would encourage you to come into school to have a conversation with your child’s class teacher initially. With the support of the SENCo, we will be able to advise you on what we feel is the best way forward.

How will early years staff support your child?

The class teacher is your main point of contact as they will be responsible for the day-to-day management of teaching and any additional support that is provided. They also monitor the progress and welfare of your child. The level of support that each child receives varies according to need and the resources available. The SENCo works closely with all staff and is the link to external agencies where appropriate and has the overview of what support is being provided and the impact that the support is having. It is not uncommon for the SENCo to be involved in meetings with parents too. There is a designated Special Needs governor (Mrs K Bullivant)  and all governors are kept informed regarding overall SEN provision.  The Head Teacher is also fully involved in decisions made regarding support and resources and can also provide advice and support.

How will the curriculum be matched to your child's needs?

Every adult at Penketh South is committed to ensuring that the work provided for children matches their needs.  High quality classroom teaching is the first step in responding to children who may have additional needs. All teachers plan learning within our curriculum to ensure that every child will have access to a broad, balanced curriculum. Some children will have personalised targets from B Squared  that will show progress that is specific to the child and that are reviewed regularly.  As the children work on their targets, they may be amended to reflect the level of progress.  Parents are fully involved in this process. Some children will be placed in intervention groups to help the children close the specific gaps. 

How will we all know how your child is doing and how will we help you to support your child's learning?

As we have an open door policy, we hope to create a mutual atmosphere of trust and respect. You will be welcomed if you have any queries with regards to how well your child is doing. When targets are evaluated, you will be kept informed and comments or feedback will be valued. There are two parents’ evenings each year and an annual report is sent out in the summer term. Additional meetings with class teacher and SENCo can also be arranged. All staff are committed to sharing important information with parents so planners are used as a vehicle for communication between home and school. In the Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) parents are actively encouraged to contribute to the assessment of progress against the Early Learning Goals.  Advice will be provided to help parents do this.

What support will there be for your child's overall wellbeing?

The well-being of all children is our main priority at PSP. We follow the National Curriculum with regards to Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health education (PSCHE). We also use assemblies and class time to discuss issues such as friendship on a very regular basis. Where appropriate, small group or individual support may be offered following discussion with the SENCo and/or the Head Teacher. 

We have 2 trained members of staff who have weekly sessions with many children to support them with their well-being. These sessions can be one on one or group work completing in activities such as sand play. 

We liaise with health care professionals and request advice where appropriate. A referral may be made through Neurodevelopmental Pathway, which involves multi agency representation, for any pupil that has a need that requires further investigation.

Where necessary, we arrange specific staff training for all staff including governors for exceptional issues, usually from outside agencies involved with the child. The SENCo also provides in-house training for more common issues.

Penketh South staff are committed to ensuring appropriate safeguarding procedures are followed. Mrs Roper is the Designated Senior Person and any concerns are reported to her.  Where necessary external support may be sought from external agencies such as the Local Authority Education Safeguarding Team and/or Social Care.

What specialist services and expertise are available?

The SENCo has many years’ experience and has attended several training events to ensure that she is fully aware of the latest information.

All teachers are trained to teach special needs children.

Most of the teaching assistants have been trained in Speech and Language screening, Dyslexia and Inference interventions. 

We have links to a range of outside agencies including:

  • Audiology
  • ADHD Specialist Nurse
  • ASD Specialist Nurse
  • Child Development Centre(CDC)
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Educational Psychologist (EP)
  • Family Support Workers
  • Hearing Impaired Service (HI)
  • Ophthalmology
  • Occupational Therapy(OT)
  • Physiotherapy 
  • School Health Advisor(SHA)
  • Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
  • Visual Impaired Service (VI)
  • Visual Processing Clinic (VPD) 

What training have our staff supporting children with SEND had or are having?

All teachers hold qualified teacher status and all staff members, including TA's, receive regular training to best support our children with SEND.

Staff have had training in ASD, Dyslexia, Sensory,SALT and Visual awareness training. Recently, we have had training in Sensory diets and Social stories.

The SENCo organises in-house training whenever specific issues arise and School Improvement priorities influence training needs too.

Staff had updated training on Behaviour Management strategies and they use specific behaviour programmes for specific individuals or groups of children. All staff support the children in their pastoral needs. 

Staff attend specific training for delivering individual speech and language programmes as well as a member of staff recently being trained on how to deliver a specific group intervention speech and language programme.

How will your child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

Children with SEN are fully included in all activities, including After School clubs, educational trips and residentials. Parents are always consulted about how we can support their child to access, be included and enjoy the activity and if necessary in completing a risk assessment. If needed, extra staff will accompany the child on the activity to support them so that they benefit fully from the experience.

How accessible is Penketh South?

The school is wheelchair accessible on the ground floor. We also have two disabled toilets. Where children have vision difficulties we seek advice or equipment from the Visual Impairment specialist support team. The same would be the case for those pupils with hearing difficulties where we would seek advice from the Hearing Impaired service. We seek support from target language speakers from the family of Warrington schools to assist in communicating with parents and carers whose first language is not English. We also offer translation of end of year reports into target language when requested. Where recommendations are made through outside agencies we aim to provide resources through the school budget where appropriate.We have an Accessibility Plan in place. 

How will we prepare and support your child to join Penketh South or the next stage of education and life?

All children are prepared for transition regardless of whether they have additional needs. Those pupils who are more vulnerable will have additional support through any transition process in school. This may include extra visits prior to beginning each change of setting, taking photographs of the new setting for the child to become familiar with beforehand, transition meetings with staff from each setting so they are fully aware of the child’s needs. We will always communicate with parents where a transition is between key stages or different schools. All staff hold transition meetings with the current and next teacher to facilitate an effective and smooth transition. The Y6 staff and SENCo will discuss the specific needs of all children with the  high school staff in the Summer Term to ensure the children are fully prepared and the new setting have all the relevant information to make sure the children feel confident and happy. Additionnal visits  will be planned. 

How are the Penketh South's resources allocated and matched to children's special educational needs?

The school’s SEN resource budget is allocated on a priority needs basis in line with best practice. Whilst we do not have a separate SEN budget, the school’s overall expenditure funds additional staffing and resources such as laptops and software where needed. The SENCo and Head Teacher agree which resources are needed and occasionally, where large costs are concerned, approval may need to be sought from the Governing Body.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support your child will receive?

Where a child is in receipt of an Education, Health and Care Plan, these clearly set out the type and amount of support which should be made available for that child. Decisions about support arrangements will be done in consultation with parents. The Head Teacher and Governing body allocate funding on a priority of needs basis. Children’s progress is tracked each term and through review meetings of B squared targets to measure the impact of the support which is currently in place. We also use assessment tools called B-Squared and Oxfordshire Materials which contains smaller step targets so that even comparatively small gains can be measured.  For those pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans the main way to measure the impact of support is through the Annual Review process.

How are parents involved in the setting/school/college? How can I be involved?

The child’s class teacher is always the first point of contact with any comments or concerns that parents may have. The SENCo will liaise with the child’s class teacher who will then in turn discuss the issues with the Head Teacher.

Parents are always welcomed in to school to support with reading, writing, maths and art work etc. 

We have Parent representatives on the Governing body and they are the voice for all parents. They bring any concerns or requests to the full Governing body meetings.

There is also a fund-raising committee called The Friends of Penketh South which all parents are welcome to join.

Communication with parents can be through emails, phone calls, meetings and informal conversations. 

Who can you contact for further information?

The first point of contact is the child’s class teacher who knows the child well. They will be able to speak to you about any worries or concerns that you may have, and usually resolve them straight away.

For more complex issues regarding additional needs, an appointment may be made with the SENCo  (Mrs Roper)  who can be contacted via the school either by phone or on the email above. 

If you wish to make contact with the school regarding whether your child may join the setting, the first point of contact is the Head Teacher- Miss L. Browne, who is also available through the school.

The Inclusion Team at Warrington Local Authority are also available if you wish to request any further information regarding supporting your child in school. This is also the place where you will find the Local Authority Local Offer.

Please click on the link below to find out more about our SEN and Disabilities Offer.

Local offer - SEND | warrington.gov.uk


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Let's Connect

Penketh South CP School
Finlay Ave, Penketh, Warrington WA5 2PN
Headteacher | Miss Lorraine Browne [email protected]
Chair of Governors | Carolyn Williams [email protected]
SENCO | Mrs Roper [email protected]