"Ah, Music, a magic beyond all we do here"...Albus Dumbledore
The Music curriculum at Penketh South aims to provide children with an understanding of how music can be explored through performing and listening. Music lessons will be used to inspire children’s creativity and broaden their understanding of how music can be used to express different meanings from listening to songs from a range of genres. The diversity of music will extend the children’s cultural capital, encouraging them to comment respectfully and show an appreciation of the arts and other cultures. They will be provided with the vocabulary needed to express their interpretation of a piece of music as well as being able to demonstrate their understanding of the history, culture and meaning. Our music curriculum will be inclusive to all and allow children to express themselves as an individual whilst also developing their ability to work collaboratively as part of an ensemble. Most of all, children will be taught enthusiastically and honestly, providing them with the skills and knowledge needed to show appreciation for music through to higher education and beyond.
In order to implement the skills outlined in the National Curriculum for Music, we use the Charanga scheme of work. We feel that it complements the curriculum and scaffolds the learning opportunities throughout the Key Stages, allowing for a clear progression in knowledge and skills. Each year group in given the opportunity to explore a range of musical styles and introduced to a range of musical instruments. In Year 5, children take part in the Gospel project, led by a music specialist from our Music Hub. This project spans the majority of the year and gives children the opportunity to perform in front of a large audience at a different venue. In KS2, our children will also be given the opportunity to learn the ukulele, following the steps outlined in Charanga’s instrumental scheme. Children from KS2 are also receive fortnightly singing assemblies led by the music lead.
Music is monitored by the subject leader throughout all year groups using a variety of strategies such as, staff discussions and pupil voice interviews. Evidence will be recorded at the start of each unit/half term and at the end to show progress, this will be added to each classes’ individual sway for music on the class pages. The subject leader uses information from the pupil voice questionnaires to monitor whether the children know more and remember more, and to ensure they are getting access to a wide range of learning opportunities within their lessons. The subject lead will also have opportunity to assess KS2 children during singing assemblies.
Our children in EYFS will access music through daily routines and continuous provision. In Nursery, children will sing to a range of nursery rhymes and play simple percussion instruments with increasing control to express their feelings and ideas. In Reception, children will explore and engage in music making, singing and performing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs with each other.
Our school are very proud to provide the opportunity for KS2 children with an interest in music to be part of our inclusive choir. Across the year, the choir meets weekly after school and use the time to rehearse for upcoming events.
Planned events -
TCAT concert - Nov 23
Penketh South Christmas Fair - 1st December 2023
St Mary's Church with Penketh High School - 13th December
Young Voices - February 2024
See the file attachments for information about our Music curriculum.