
“The only way to learn Mathematics is to do Mathematics “

                                                                                      Paul Halmos


Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy. It helps children make sense of the numbers, patterns and shapes they see in the world around them, offers ways of handling data in an increasingly digital world and makes a crucial contribution to their development as successful learners. They learn to explore and explain their ideas using symbols, diagrams and spoken and written language. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.



Studying mathematics stimulates curiosity, fosters creativity and equips children with the skills they need in life beyond school. With this in mind, the purpose of Mathematics at Penketh South is .for all children to develop a love of Maths, to become curious and resilient problem solvers and to confidently use a range of mathematical vocabulary to explore and explain concepts.  With a secure understanding, rich connections can be made between subjects and our children will leave Penketh South well equipped with the mathematical tools that they need for the future, making them the very best that they can be with high aspirations for the future.  We aim to spark their curiosity and fire their enthusiasm through engaging teaching and learning. 

All children are challenged and encouraged to excel in Maths. They  will be encouraged and supported to become resilient learners who understand that it is ok to make mistakes as long as they use these experiences to help them to develop and grow. Our lessons are child centred and new mathematical concepts are introduced using a ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ approach; enabling all children to experience hands-on learning when discovering new mathematical topics, and allows them to have clear models and images to aid all children to build a deep understanding of maths concepts. 


Concrete is the ‘doing’ stage, using concrete objects to solve problems. It brings concepts to life by allowing children to handle physical objects themselves. Every new abstract concept is learned first with a ‘concrete’ or physical experience.




Pictorial is the ‘seeing’ stage, using representations of the objects involved in maths problems. This stage encourages children to make a mental connection between the physical object and abstract levels of understanding, by drawing or looking at pictures, circles, diagrams or models which represent the objects in the problem.





Abstract is the 'symbolic' stage, where children are able to use abstract symbols to model and solve maths problems. 





Here at Penketh South we teach Maths using the Mastery Approach.   At the heart of all our Mathematics teaching is the belief that all children can achieve. Our lessons are child centred and are designed to embed a growth mindset approach to maths.


In the Foundation Stage, The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage is followed. The staff use their knowledge and expertise to plan for a high quality learning environment which provides children with lots of opportunities to explore different aspects of number and shape, space and measures and learn new concepts. Learning is linked to the children’s interests and moved forwards through ‘in the moment planning’. The highly engaging environment enables children to apply their skills independently through their play.


KS1 and KS2

 At Penketh South we follow the National Curriculum for all children from Year 1 to Year 6.  Using White Rose as a starting point, our teachers carefully plan and deliver a series of lessons which allow children to build a solid conceptual understanding of each mathematical strand. Children learn Maths daily, moving from songs, rhymes and short focused activities in KS1 to more formal hour long lessons in KS2. Teachers also maximise opportunities to apply Maths skills across the curriculum. For example, reading thermometers in science lessons or ordering dates in history.

Our Maths lessons are  structured around a whole class interactive teaching model that focuses on helping all children to build a deep understanding of maths concepts and confidence in maths. our teachers carefully plan and deliver a series of lessons which allow children to build a solid conceptual understanding of each mathematical strand. Once this has been firmly established, we then expose children to problem solving and reasoning activities which require children to apply their knowledge and understanding in a meaningful way. The children then take part in a variety of practical and written activities to explore and understand the new mathematical concepts. 

Opportunities are provided for same day intervention if necessary and also for deepening activities if pupils master the concept.


The impact of our learning process for mathematics is clear to see when setting foot inside our classrooms. Here at Penketh South we are developing fluent, independent and resilient learners. The evidence will be engaged children who are all challenged and confident to talk about Maths and their learning and the links between Mathematical topics. The philosophy that no child is ever left behind in their learning runs throughout our school.  Staff are able to go back and unpick children's misconceptions of a mathematical concept allowing all children to remain on track with their learning. We passionately believe that learning is for life and our Maths curriculum ensures the skills and knowledge that will be essential for children in the real world are firmly embedded.   Our Maths curriculum gives children the knowledge, skills and, perhaps most importantly, the belief that all concepts can be understood, all problems can be solved and all of our potentials can be fulfilled. 




Regular summative and formative assessment (including NFER, end of unit tests and low stake quizzes) allows teachers to plan accordingly to meet the needs of all pupils and where necessary, plan for early support and intervention. 
Impact is also measured across school through learning walks, pupil observations, discussions around work within school books, data analysis, conversation with parents and through progress meetings. 

Information for Parents and Statutory Assessment Update 2021- 22

Beginning in the academic year of 2021/22, as well as the statutory assessments in Year 6, children in Year 4 will be tested on their times table knowledge. Any support you can give your child in ensuring that they know their times tables up to 12 will benefit them greatly. This will be a timed test and the quicker they can recall their number facts, the better - Times Table Rock Stars is a great way to encourage and challenge them with this. You can find more information on the tests here:


Important login details to maths websites such as Times Table Rock Stars and Numbots can be found in the front of your child's planner. 


Please see files below for more information


Click on the pictures below to useful links and games


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Files to Download

Let's Connect

Penketh South CP School
Finlay Ave, Penketh, Warrington WA5 2PN
Headteacher | Miss Lorraine Browne [email protected]
Chair of Governors | Carolyn Williams [email protected]
SENCO | Mrs Roper [email protected]