Year 1 2024 - 2025
Ms McQueen
Mrs Tsfira
Mrs Tilley
Y5 Teacher
Miss Browne
Our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1. The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that the children have had in Reception. Learning through play will continue to be an important part of the school day and the children will gradually be eased into more formal learning as the year goes on so that they remain motivated, enthused and eager learners.
We offer children time to consolidate their learning both with the indoor and outdoor provision. This ethos enables our children to be independent learners and take pride in their work. The curriculum is delivered through a topic so that the children remain engaged in their learning.
In Year 1 the children will have the chance to work independently and they will also have focused whole class teaching: including English (Reading, Writing and Phonics), Maths and Theme work.
The Staff
Mrs Tilley and Miss Browne - Class Teacher
Mrs Tsfira and Ms McQueen - Teaching Assistant
The Indoor EnvironmentThe indoor environment has many different areas for our children to explore and develop their learning, incorporating opportunities for Literacy and Numeracy. The children have access to a variety of resources that can be used independently or with an adult. As the children settle in during the Autumn term, they will be introduced to challenges which they can complete indepedently or with support. |
The Outdoor EnvironmentThe outdoor environment is equally as important in Year 1 and it ensures a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage. The outdoor area offers children the freedom to explore and for doing things in different ways and on different scales. This can be done independently or through an adult led activitiy.
Useful information
PE- Friday Afternoon
Forest School - Tuesday Afternoon
Reading books to be changed and planners to be signed - Friday
Reading at least 3 times a week. Your child will receive a reading book per week which will be changed on a Friday.
Phonics practice 3 times a week. Please use the Newsletter to practise sounds with your child and practice letter formation.
Maths practice 3 times a week. - Please use numbots.
See below for information about our learning in Year 1
Please check back here for evidence of our learning in year 1.