Welcome to Year 2 2024 – 2025
Meet the Year 2 Team
Mr WoodYear 2 Teacher | Ms GaleziowskaTeaching Assistant |
In Year 2, we enjoy fun, cross-curricular topics and try to link a school trip or a themed day to our topic work. Each topic lasts approximately half a term.
The children are given opportunities to work collaboratively in co-operative, mixed ability groups and to work independently.
Each day, children will spend time engaging in English, Maths, Reading and Spelling lessons.
Every week, children will engage in Art/DT, Science, History/Geography, PSHE, Music, Computing, PE and RE lessons.
During the school day, children will also have access to resources and enhancements to further challenge their learning.
Useful Information
Wednesday : PE
We ask that all Year 2 children practice maths facts at home 3 times a week and for this to be recorded in their planner. We suggest number bond practice, counting and recalling multiplication facts including 2x, 5x, 10x.
We expect all our children to read at least 3 times a week and for this to be recorded in their planners.
Reading books are changed each Friday.