School Uniform

Our School Uniform Policy

This page refers to how we make every attempt to make the uniform as accessible as possible, without excessive costs.

It refers to where you can purchase second hand uniform and the school logo is not compulsory, but advised.  We ask that children wear the school colours as detailed in the policy.

Winter Uniform:

  • plain black skirt, pinafore dress or culottes or black long trousers
  • plain white shirt or white or red polo t-shirt with school logo
  • red sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
  • plain black, or white socks or black tights
  • sensible shoes (no heels)

Summer Uniform:

  • any of the above and/or:- Gingham or striped red and white dress, (optional)
  • tailored black short trousers (optional)
  • sensible shoes or sandals (no heels, ‘flip-flops’ or ‘sliders’)

Boots or Wellingtons may be worn to school, but shoes must be worn indoors.

P.E Indoor:

  • black P.E. shorts
  • plain round-neck red T-shirt (no replica sport shirts or polo shirts)
  • trainers
  • black jogging pants or tracksuit bottoms and black plain sweatshirt or hoodie can be worn over the top of kit on cooler days

PE Outdoor:

    • trainers
    • black jogging pants or tracksuit bottoms black plain sweatshirt or hoodie


    • One piece swimming costume/shorts and a towel for swimming. No outdoor clothing unless specifically requested from the swimming co-ordinator

Forest School:

    • Cold Weather Clothing, long sleeve tops, full length trousers, jumper/ fleece, waterproofs, wellington boots/ walking shoes, hat, scarf, gloves
    • Warm Weather Clothing: long sleeve top, loose full length trousers, Wellington boots/ walking shoes, sun hat, sun cream

  • Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back in school colour bobbles/slides.

If you are experiencing difficulties with the cost of uniform, please contact the School and we will support in any way we can. 

School Uniform is available from


Warrington School Wear
50 – 54 Buttermarket Street

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