How we organise and care for our children
How the Nursery and School are organised
- Children can enter our Nursery from the age of two. We have the equivalent of 76 part-time or 38 full-time places available. We offer a flexible level of care so that you can use your free 15 or 30 hours over a combination of mornings and/or afternoons.
- In addition, we are in a position to be able to offer additional care for extra morning and afternoon sessions at a very competetive rate. We can provide a lunch for your child for a small charge or your child can eat a packed lunch in school if this is easier for you.
- KoolKids Link Club, which uses our Community Room, is registered to care for three year olds should you require care before or after school.
- Please contact the school directly if you require information about our Admissions Procedures for entry into Nursery.
- Our Nursery works hard to help children develop their personal and social skills and other vital knowledge and understanding which helps them enormously with the transition into Reception. This helps to provide the children with the best possible start to their 'Big School' education.
Admission to our school
- Admission into Reception Class follows the Local Authority Policy. For help please look at the Admissions section on website.
- We are a one-form entry school so have 30 places available in each year group.
Each class in main school is currently taught in discrete year groups: Years 1 - 6.
Caring for your Children
- To ensure your children are safe and happy whilst in our care, we have very effective safeguarding procedures in place and we take Health & Safety very seriously. We believe that two-way communication between home and school is vital to provide the best care and education for our children. There are weekly Newsletters, the school website and Facebook page and we use Arbor to email parents. Please also write in your child's planner any informal messages to the teacher. An email to the school office requesting a call for your child's teacher is also available.
- There are lots of opportunities throughout the year for us to share formal and informal information about how well your child is doing and we are always happy to see you in school, whether it is to discuss any concerns you may have or to share good news too!
- We work with a number of agencies to support your child in many ways. You will be made aware of any specific concerns that we have before this happens, unless we have reason to believe that a child is at risk of significant harm. In these very rare cases, we may need to contact Social Care without contacting you first as part of our legal obligation. More often than not these cases are found to be unfounded but we hope that parents and carers understand how important it is that we share information which may potentially stop a child from being subjected to abuse.